LIMEEMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan 2024-05-06T20:48:03+00:00 Imron Arifin Open Journal Systems <p>LIMEEMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan</p> The Relevance Of Islamic Educational Materials In The Prophet's Hadiths With The Concept Of Rahmatan Lil 'Alamiin's Student Profile 2024-02-16T15:52:46+00:00 Khoirul Anwar Abid Nurhuda Engku Shahrulerizal Bin Engku Ab Rahman Muhammad Al Fajri <p>This article examines Islamic education material from the perspective of the Prophet's hadith and its relevance to the concept of the rahmatan lil alamin student profile which was initiated by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in the context of implementing the independent curriculum in madrasas. Islamic education materials are materials and components prepared in the learning process according to the level and capacity of students to form a complete Muslim person. The method used is qualitative with a library research model. Then the data collection is carried out systematically to draw reliable conclusions. The results of the research show that Islamic education material is divided into five areas, namely religious education material, scientific and aqliyah education, moral education, physical education, and language education. These five Islamic education materials are also included in the hadith of the Prophet and have relevance to the student concept of rahmatan lil alamin. These include the aim of forming Islamic students who are devout, have noble character, and are moderately religious so that it has an impact on the strength of faith, the formation of commendable morals personally, towards others, nature and the state, critical and creative reasoning, integrity and discipline, and get to know and appreciate other cultures.</p> 2024-04-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LIMEEMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Principal's Leadership in Improving Teacher and Staff Performance 2024-05-06T20:41:37+00:00 Marsinah Marsinah <p>This study discusses how the leadership role of school principals in improving teacher performance. The Principal's Role as a Learning Leader. Learning leadership is an action that leads to the creation of a school climate that is able to encourage optimal learning processes. The actions taken by (the principal) to develop a productive and satisfying work environment for teachers are ultimately able to create improved student learning conditions. The research used is a qualitative approach with interview and observation methods as a way to collect data. Learning leadership is the action of the principal / madrasah in; influencing, moving, directing, developing, empowering teachers. So as to create conducive school conditions as a place for optimal learning process.</p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LIMEEMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan IMPLEMENTASI SUPERVISI AKADEMIK DI SDIT 2024-05-06T20:26:32+00:00 anisa Jayanti Riswanti Rini Handoko Handoko Sunyono Sunyono <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi supervisi akademik di SDIT. Jenis penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah 1) Perencanaan supervisi akademik telah berjalan dengan baik, seperti mempersiapkan hal-hal yang diperlukan diantaranya merumuskan tujuan dan kriteria <em>output</em>, menetapkan jadwal, memilih pendekatan dan teknik yang digunakan, dan memilih instrumen yang sudah disepakati. 2) Pelaksanaan supervisi akademik sudah berjalan dengan baik, teknik yang digunakan yaitu kunjungan kelas dan supervisi klinis. Kepala sekolah sebelum mensupervisi mengadakan pembinaan atau diskusi kepada guru, selanjutnya melaksanakan kunjungan kelas sesuai jadwal untuk mengamati kesesuaian pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan perangkat pembelajaran yang telah disiapkan guru, kemudian memanggil guru yang telah disupervisi ke ruangan kepala sekolah untuk evaluasi hasil observasi kelas. 3) Tindak lanjut hasil supervisi akademik dilakukan dengan mengadakan umpan balik secara langsung, penguatan berupa motivasi, penghargaan berupa ungkapan apresiasi, serta pembinaan dan pelatihan untuk membina dan mengembangkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan guru.</p> 2024-04-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LIMEEMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Material and Development of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) Curriculum 2023-12-08T14:41:05+00:00 Sri Rahayu Azzizir Rohim Syarif Hidayat Mustafiyanti Mustafiyanti <p>This paper aims to learn about the material and curriculum development of Islamic Religious Education (PAI). This research is library research. The data sources used are journals and books related to the material and PAI curriculum development. The methods (data analysis) used are deduction, induction, and comparative approaches. From this research, it can be concluded that development in the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum is interpreted as activities that produce the PAI curriculum. Learning material is one of the crucial things in teaching and learning activities. To design learning we need to think about what materials/learning materials are required to achieve learning objectives and achieve the desired competencies, that's why we need to develop learning materials. Curriculum content is material or teaching materials in the teaching and learning process, which includes knowledge, skills, and values related to the teaching materials delivered. The steps for developing curriculum content, in general, are to identify needs, Formulate curriculum objectives, Determine the cost budget, Form a development team, Compile the scope and sequence of teaching materials, and so on.</p> 2024-06-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LIMEEMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan University Management 2024-05-06T20:48:03+00:00 Fitria Marisya R.A. Rodia Fitri Indriani Edi Harapan <p>Universities need to be managed well so that they can carry out the educational process well, produce quality products, and provide satisfaction to prospective students, the community, and the world of employment. To be able to work well to meet the expectations of the community and the world employment opportunities, then higher education leaders apply Managerial Competencies, five managerial competencies of leaders in creating conducive and quality higher education institutions, namely Conceptual Competency, Interpersonal Communication Competency, Technical Competency, Time Management Competency, and Decision-Making Competence. It should be used as a reference and benchmark in higher education.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LIMEEMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan The Profile of a Prospective Teacher Candidate's Digital Literacy 2024-05-06T20:36:31+00:00 Muhammad Bambang Purwanto Iskandar Rosyidin <p>This study aims to evaluate the digital literacy of PGRI Palembang University's potential teacher candidates. Questionnaires are used in this kind of descriptive quantitative study. One hundred randomly selected students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at PGRI University of Palembang served as the research subjects. Digital literacy questionnaires with indicators for managing, generating, integrating, assessing, and accessing information were used to gather data. The correlation product moment used for instrument validation with the outcomes of every questionnaire item is significant (Sig. &lt; 0.05). Positive Pearson correlation and instrument reliability, as measured by Alpha Cronbach's values of 0.750 &gt; 0.50, indicate the validity and reliability of the instrument. A descriptive analysis is performed on the data to find the percentage of each indication. The findings demonstrated that 80% of indicators fell into the essential skills category for information access, 75% of indicators fell into the management category, 74% of indicators fell into evaluation, 73% of indicators fell into integration, 60% of indicators fell into the insufficient skills category, and 70% of indicators fell into communication. These findings demonstrate that PGRI University of Palembang prospective teacher candidates' digital literacy profiles included markers of information creation. Consequently, it is essential to support pupils' digital literacy.</p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LIMEEMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan